Criss Angel Pulls a Woman in Half??
Remember that video where Crisis Angel walks on water? Here he attempts to pull a woman apart. How do you think it looks??? I wish there was a bigger crowd there =( coulda all been post camera work. Linky: YouTube - Criss Angel And Half A Woman
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but what happened to the woman after? she just kinna took of... Hey lady your forgot your bottom half!!!
midgets. xD
So if the top part was a midget, what the heck was the bottom part!!! They showed the toes wiggling a bit...
How the hell did he do that? I saw this before, but I don't get it. Still..
robotic feet? O_O
lol nice guess but no. two midgets. one stands on the other, if Cris could really make this stuff happen, he'd be GOD! but it's kind of mean to scare people like that..
but but but but
I SAW IT!!!! >,<
lol Pocky if he really did that then he could rule the WORLD!!!!
i have question........ if he couldnt do that shtuff the how the hell did he get the coin in his arm?
She was not a midget. She was a real woman who only has a partial body. There have been documentaries done on her before. She was planted in the "audience" as part of the "trick." NOT a midget.
She was not a midget. She was a real woman who only has a partial body. There have been documentaries done on her before. She was planted in the "audience" as part of the "trick." NOT a midget.
She was not a midget. She was a real woman who only has a partial body. There have been documentaries done on her before. She was planted in the "audience" as part of the "trick." NOT a midget.
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