Ani-Pock Podcast Episode 003
Ep 003: "Demon Sounds o.O"
Episode 3 is here! Today we are joined by Chikyuu and Ash! This is an introduction podcast about Chikyuu and Ash, so you are warned of our randomness! Well what are you waiting for, click the pink play button to listen, or right click here and choose save as)
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omg.. Ash is really a dude? i thought he seriously was a woman! gawd i suck at genders. *cough Ashley (Ash) is a woman* >.>
Found this one kinda borin', Nothing happend!
Chikyuu rocks, but pocky and ash let us down a bit, try to be more intresting. Chikyuu is natrually funny XD
You guys sound like you're having fun. Chikyuu is funny.
Hahaha, okies so I just listened to episode 3 podcast and I have to say that I was one of the first unwillingly participants to hear Chikyuu's "Ghost Noises" because at the time I had no idea what was going on. Anyway, this is how it happened. I called Ash on the cellie and he was talking to me on his headset and Ash was talking to Chikyuu on Skype at the same time, so basically I could hear Chikyuu (though choppy in spots in reception...which sounded like a crazed chipmunk...*someone gave chikyuu chocolate* >>) and Ash. Sooooo, I was listening to Ash talk to Chikyuu and all of the sudden this FREAKING BANSHEE WAIL cuts into my receiver of my phone and I was like....Wth? >_< I had no idea what was going on, but it was pretty funny! ^^ So Chikyuu be happy in knowing you got one of us ani-pockers before your secret got out. ~_^
OH MY! I don't know who is harder to understand... Chikyuu or Lucy :P
Well, I probably liked this one the most, just because there wasn't really a dull moment or really weird moments...the one problem is that you have a ton of stuff on the blog and NONE of it was talked about. Anime wasn't really talked about, either...and those were like supposed to be your two focal yeah.
But anyways, out of your guests, I like Chikyuu the best so far.
Good points! I promise the next episode will have direction and a plan. This episode was a spur of the moment thing actually, meant to be an introduction to Chikyuu and Ash (their voices I mean). Next episode will have a focus! ^_^
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