Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Character Design Competition


The competition has been moved to ending on the 8th becuase of some stuff. 8D;

Hiiii! Lucy here.
Becuase, me and other people if they want to take part are going to create a manga/animation for ani-pock. But we need characters.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
So! Thats where you come in!
I need you to design characters suitable for the manga/animation. There is no genre of what the character can be, we want all sorts. We also want a bit about this character, like, where they come from, name, age, what it does. >w>
You will need to draw the character, though, if you arn't a good artist, it doesn't matter! We're looking for design, not a pretty picture :3
Please email your entries to with your file attached, you're adress (optional), if you can not give out your adress, suggest something you would like on the net (no idea what 8D;) and we will need your biography of the character.
The rules:
1: You can't use the Art-board or windows paint as your media
2: If you are using paper, we need your signature on it
3: If you're using oekaki, we need the linnk to your oekaki
4: If it's a photoshop, you need to email the photoshop file to me.
5: Has to be your own design.
With your email you need to email your adress if you wish to win the lip balm, but if you are not aloud to give out your adress we can think of a alternative prize. You get to pick the flavour of the lip balm, and yes, ti won't be used XDDD unless you want it to be o___o
You don't need to be a good artist, we're not judging on the picture, we're judging on the design. DESIGN D8
Good Luck! *thumbs up*
Competition will end on the 3rd of january! Not long!

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At Dec 27, 2006, 7:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lip balm.
Oh. XD
Bless you, Lucy. You make me smile every time you talk about lip balm.

At Dec 30, 2006, 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy gas bubbles I cant wait 'till
the 3rd. XDD
*bounces off the walls and stabs self* zomgfomgomgg~~~ XDDD

At Jan 3, 2007, 5:34:00 AM, Blogger Rin said...

LUCYYYYY, give me a couple more days? Or until the end of the week I have a CHARACTER...YAY, but I have to ink it and color it so nyuuuuuu please extend the contest. She's so cool!!!

At Jan 7, 2007, 12:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay but i dont think my char wil be done by then still
stupid dead lines


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