Death Note Anime License = Death to Death Note! ;_;
Everyone I have some bad news. While surfing the web yesterday I discovered something about Death Note. According to some sources and pages I have surfed Death Note has been licensed. According to anime news network Viz has obtained the rights to the downloads of Death Note (subtitles) as well as DVD releases (Dubs). Guess this means its time for us to find another anime to view on ani-pock.
If you don't believe me about the license go here:
Death Note License
If you guys have issue with this complain to Viz not to me. Viz Contact Info and Form
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Viz was the ones that brought the manga to North America... only a matter of time till they licensed enough of the Anime...
I'm pretty sure they won't bet the Movies :)
LOL, way to post the contact info link, Rose!
But that shouldn't matter right? You can still watch fansubs Oo I watch anime I own on dvd on youtube all the time~!
Techincally it does matter if its liscensed. Talk to Manga and he'll explain things to you.
LOL well ani-pock has already broke about 50 copyright laws with the friends page so why bother with an anime
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