Okies, hello this is Rin! As you all know, or don't know I have been working on Ani-Pock AMV Slideshows gathering anime pictures to represent our members. I have made one for the girls already, but I am making a second one so I can fit more in so send me an email at or leave a comment here with your name so I can be sure to involve you. I know guys, -_-; yours is coming along too, but I admit it's much slower for it's harder to find anime pics of just boys that aren't well yaoi or whatnot, but I do have a small collection gathered. When I do these slideshows I try to get unknown anime characters because it makes it that much more special, but I don't know I might just have to break down and use popular anime characters. *sighs* Oh and if you have pictures yourself feel free to email it to me and I'll make sure to put them in. Thanks beforehand for all your help. So far I owe thanks to Jent~Sama, Angel, and Rohanu. They have been the BIGGEST HELP! *smiles* Soooo *huggles* I thank you three much, much, much!
Oh and Happy Early Easter!! :3
**EDIT: Leave a small description of yourself too. Thanks! ^^
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Add Me Plz AmaiUzuRin aka. Mai *huggles you*Thanks you!!!^o^
**puts on a flowered-wig and a short skirt..**...add me please? =D...i'm uhh..chiky's...sister?...cousin? >.>...meh..skrew it..i'll just find some pics for you..*walks off dragging his tail on the floor* -.-
I know I was in the last one but Please add me Rose(Phoenix) aka Sailor_Saturn.
I'll give u a description later on. I might have an acutal pic of myself you can use a reference when finding an anime pic for me if you like
uwaaah~ It's a Tony Taka drawing! Legendary among hentai fans! If you want more of those, I have plenty.
LOL Teenlink!! Azroth I'll put you as a girl neko! Okies? :3 Okies so far I have Mai, and Rose as a definite yes. Rose just give me a description of hair and eye color and I'll do my best to match you. Same with you Mai.
*Raises hand* dont forget Ikkou! im tired of getting forgotten xD *Smashes head into wall* Woah .. dizzy *sways around* cya around xD
You know I wanna be in it. You've seen my pictures yes? Dark green/brown eyes with brown hair. And glasses sometimes lol.
Hey hey don't forget me either in the male one. I have 3 pictures I can submit, one of them I want to be used to represent myself. Wayoo.
This one I want to be used for me:
Heres 2 other random ones I have:
Yuki has yellow eyes and purple shoulderlength hair =D know me...I think...oh and by the way. If the guys complain, screw them. Make them yaoi pics just to teach em a lesson they won't forget. The girls rule this earth now. HELL YEAH!!
...What is with the influx of posts?
3 posts in 1 day?
Can't you guys make up your mind?
You guys should pick a day... and divide the week.
That way we can get new posts on day-to-day basis instead of 3 on one day and none for the rest of the week.
I'd like to be in it again ^_^
As for description.....Um....Surprise me with a pic XD
Rin I have brown hair (its down to my waist) and hazel eyes. If you can't find something to close to that then that's fine
You can use yaoi if you want...
: /
loll, kage, this is the girl one, save that comment for when she makes the boy one =P and Thankz Rin! yayy! n_n *twirls around in his skirt*..yeah..anywayz..>.>..
Allo! Megumi has bright red-orange hair (usually up in a ponytail) down to the middle of her back & blue-green eyes.
Sakura has curly brown hair, down to her back,blue eyes, and tanned skin.
yes i'm actually a girl...ok that aside...description:
dark brown med length hair, brown eyes...tomboy-ish
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