Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lucy's sunday post ABOUT JPOP

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My sunday my sunday my sunday my sunday D: <
GOOOODDD SUNDAY! Becuase like, everyone knows that sundays are boring and stuff, so i claimed sunday to post. NO ONE ELSE POST ON SUNDAY.
Todaaaay, i'm gonna show you new music comming out in japan. Well, one group in particular, (sp?) AKB48. Becuase they're my favourite (or one of em) and i have all thier singles. Appart from this one, obviously, iit's not out yet.
On aprill the 18th, AKB48 will be releasing thier new single, and like the last single they released, it has a MEANING. O: A MESSAGE TO ALL JAPANESE GIRLIES. Last one was against child prostotution, and this time, it's agaisnt suicide. (Happy happy joy joy!) Rumor has it, (i say rumor becuase i have never seen a japanese girl kill her self infront of me) suicide is a big problem within japan, hence they had to sing against it. Scary no? Reminds me of the japanese film, SUICIDE CLUB (gasp, it's so goary you should watch it) but for some reason, SUICIDE SCARES ME LIKE THE ZOMBIES DO ON SCOOBIE DOO TO A LITTLE CHLD.

Watch it watch it watch it!
A tad about AKB48: AKB = akihabara, 48= 48 o_o the 48 is there becuase there wasss about 48 people in the group, split up into 3 groups (group A group B and group k) but GOD KNOWS HOW MANY NOW. Thier first single was sakura no hanabiratachi, which was released on the 1st febuary last year. SO THEY'VE BEEN OUT FOR JUST OVER A YEAR, And are doing quite well! GO AKB48 :'D


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At Apr 8, 2007, 5:20:00 AM, Blogger Strawberry Pocky said...

GROUP K* Group 4? Pffft.

At Apr 8, 2007, 5:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*looks at the AKB48 on the roof* .. O_o... ARH!!! *Throws them all off the roof one by one* SUICIDE!!! *jumps off roof* sorry Lucy but i hate it burns my guts inside out.. " Ikkou

At Apr 8, 2007, 5:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always like posts about music...
Music is a universal language if you ask me... One may not be able to understand what is being said, but if one likes what they hear, it implants a seed of interest.

I'd probably like to see a post on the history of music though...

i.e.: How Japanese music broke into the American market (I say American market, because that is usually the aim). Which artist actually scored a chart topping hit in the American market... stuff like that...

Or perhaps since the post here is about "J-Pop"... you can give a brief run down on the "Who's Who" in the "J-Pop" genre.

Or since some people here like anime, you could post about the influence anime has on music and vice versa...

Just some ideas that I think would make for an interesting post.

At Apr 8, 2007, 8:06:00 AM, Blogger Strawberry Pocky said...

Ooh, AKB48 Are influenced by anime, that's why they're in the akihabara part of business, and they're alwsayssss wearing school uniform. Thanks Kami! You're so helpfull <3 GOLDEN STAR STICKERS FOR YOU.

At Apr 8, 2007, 8:07:00 AM, Blogger Strawberry Pocky said...

And Ikkou, ok. o_o; HOW RUDE.

At Apr 8, 2007, 11:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are so nice, then WHY DO YOU HAVE A HELLO KITTY PEN?! Hello kitty is 3vil...

At Apr 16, 2007, 11:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AKB48 has enormous potential provided they can break out of the schoolgirl motif and get some more interesting outfits!


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