Live Hare Hare Yukai
Ok its been awhile since someone post this dance. Sit and watch be nice
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Uhm.... I think we should stop hammering on the Hare Hare Yukai song. It's getting old *sweatdrop*
They were poo. :3How embaracing for them D: <
...There was no feeling in it! So disappointed. D:<
Could be worse...
Might be an L*S dance.
Where's the enthusiam?? >XO I could *SO* have done this 100 times better....I mean...smiles people...and and...geez. This was a disappointment, but you know props to them for trying..err half-trying. XD
Mind you, I don't know this dance nor have I watched this video... but those that don't like the dancing and don't like the expression of the dance...
Go round up some friends and and perform your own infront of a large crowd that expect a lot from you and see how well you do.
Do this and please make sure you remember to get someone to film it so we may comment on your performance as well.
No offense Kami but it just looked like they didn't care about the performance. If I was up there i'd put feelings into my moves and try to stun the crowd. I've been on stage before with an instrument doing solo's and it's scary but I try my best, I don't just limply play a note and not care about it, I try to make it sound beautiful.
Similar to dancing, if I was dancing on stage I'd do my best to wow the crowd and put energy into every move I make. I'm sorry but the performance lacked and could have been better.
-Critic (Anonymous)
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