Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tanjoubi omedetou! Again!

Today is a very important day in Japan.
It is in fact one of the most important of days!

That day would be Kami's birthday the Emperor's birthday! Well, it's Kami's big day too, but this one is pretty important as well.

Emperor Akihito, Japan's current Emperor (and the world's only reigning monarch with the title), turns 74.

Interestingly enough, the Emperor shares a birthday with one of the predeceasing Emperors of the Chrysanthemum throne, Emperor Antoku, born in 1185.

Read more about the Chrysanthemum family here in the Japan blog. Here's one about the youngest of the clan's first birthday.


  1. 天皇誕生日おめでとう!

  2. おおのありがとう!

  3. いいえ、ありがとう キップ!

  4. futari-tomo~~~~ I can't read those characters T_T

  5. OopsY! Sorry!
    I said HappY Birthday to the Emperor, Kip was giving big thanks.
    As a joke I said "No no, Thank you kip."

  6. The Emperor was born in 1178, his rein started in the year 1180 and hes drown five years later at the age of 8.
