Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I have another message... from another time...

A short time ago I showed the DAICON IV film to Ani-Pock. But, it should be noted, that there are other convention films beyond the infamous DAICON III & IV (which launched much of the careers of the founders of Gainax)!

Take a look at some of these early convention films.
(May contain baffling/ridiculous situations and some "Barbie doll" nudity, pretty PG-13.)

Here is the third film from the 1984 Special Effects Convention, "AWAKE":

And here we have one from the early eighties AZICON, "Orusuta!":

Not all DAICON openings were animated, here is the first DAICON, from 1981 (soooo very difficult to locate this version... TT.TT):

(...LOL. T.T; It was worth it!)

But this one is animated! XD
The DAICON III "Omake":

Also I have a link to a copy of both DAICON III & IV (see them both) remastered for quality and clarity in both audio and video. It's still YouTube quality... but it still makes for a remarkable and stunning video in this condition.

1 comment:

  1. If you watch only two videos from this post, make it the first DAICON film and the remastered DAICON III & IV linked in this blog.

    Excellent piece of anime and otaku culture.
