1000 JAPAN Blog Posts!
I'm not sure if the count on the Japanese Blog includes the posts from the old Blogspot...
But Congradulations either way :)
Here's to 1000 more!
In an attempt to make this special... I spent a Nice chunk of time putting together a Slideshow Tour of Various scenic places in Japan... Starting from the South (Aichi Prefecture) to up North (Hokkaido Prefecture).
P.S. Comments are appreciated...
' '
Update from Kip:See, we aren't lying!
Lots more cool stuff here!! Continue browsing...
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Don't mind the picture quality in some pictures...
Some I was moving, some were taken with my cellphone...
And I tried my best to only include the photos that don't focus on anyone... myself included :P
D: My milestone post!
Well you did a good job Kami, and I have finals this and next week, so it was probably best to not hold up the blog xD
Congrats to all!
Well, there's always the C-blog.
But I think this was an excellent way to celebrate 1000!
I never realized Kyoto was so beautiful. I always thought it was overgrown with sprawl like Tokyo, but those pictures are nice.
Wow! I think this is a fantastic way to celebrate 1000 posts! A journey through fantastic photographs, thankyou for sharing your skilled pictures with us Kami, I enjoyed
Here's hoping you'll have another slideshow to show at 2000 posts? :P
私も 雲が 大好きです. 滝と雲の 写真は 凄そうです. あなた は 写真を撮る ことが とても 上手 ですよ. (^.^)v
Hmm... what to do next?
We did Temples and Shrines...
Scenic Stuff...
I guess I could do a small one with school festival stuff or random buildings?
I dunno?
あの写真 と あなたの写真を 見せて 下さい. 桜の 写真を もって いますか. 桜 は綺麗よ.
such a baaaaad, baaaaad cat >:3
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