Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Report from the Meido Kentei

The Japan Maid Association meido kentei -a grueling test and lecture, lasting for hours on end, forcing the most diligent apprentices to miss the highly anticipated Comiket, instead they are instilled with the virtues of... maidliness- this is the big one!

The kentei, which happened last week, saw just under 30 eager, potential maids attend the test to learn proper cleaning and serving skills (even the honorable legacy of the maid), then go out and test their knowledge.

Akibanana breaks down the two hour lecture as such:

~Service & Manner~
A Meido's Spirit
Six Basic Key Phrases
Speech & Language
Answering Phones
What is Expected From a Meido

~Maid History~
The Background & Era of the Birth of the Meido
Maid Milestones

As you can see, it is not all fun and games for these girls. Though some did come to the test dressed in moe maid or punk maid costumes and others may have picked up some experience working in maid cafes, the duty of the meido goes beyond these superficial considerations!

Many of the girls in attendance are already studying for careers in hospitality and maid servitude, so it only seemed fitting to them to take the level three test offered that day and achieve another level closer to being a full-fledged and endorsed meido.

Meido kentei take place frequently throughout Japan. Students who pass receive a level-specific certificate in maid proficiency.

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At Aug 26, 2009, 4:52:00 PM, Blogger Kami... said...

I remember when I first saw a "maid"
(darn KiP! and his purposeful misspellings)
... it was in Kyoto at a Seattle's Best coffee shop... my heart broke :(
I thought and hoped such strangeness was only in Tokyo...
I unfortunately was wrong :(

P.S. at least try and find some CUTE pictures... brrr... scary!

At Aug 27, 2009, 5:37:00 PM, Blogger Pocky said...

Cool story. Thanks Kip!

At Oct 19, 2009, 4:01:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, were you there in the class yourself? :P

At Jun 21, 2018, 1:29:00 AM, Blogger Long trần said...

Thanks a lot for sharing and I have some special things for you. If you are in free time:
thinking of you quotes
cool math games wheely
ngôn tình hiện đại hay
nhạc chuông liên minh


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